Ahoy! I'm a grad student and thassophilic technologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. I'm keen on acoustic enrichment for rehabilitation of coastal reef ecosystems using playback of healthy reef soundscapes to recruit juvenile reef fish ("coral gardeners") and the exploration of deep-sea habitats. I use multi-modal deep learning methods to analyze fuse underwater ambient noise and visual surveys. In a previous chapter, I was a Researcher in the Responsive Environments group at the MIT Media Lab and Research Engineer at NOAA's Southeast Fisheries Science Center using computer vision to understand the impact of commercial fisheries on ecosystem dynamics. When I'm not lost in a sea of spectrograms, I delight in thinking of ways we can make science more accessible through the performing arts, communal art-making, and creating+sharing blue planet clifisci stories towards interspecies adaptation. More on that exploration at CollectivSea.